Interior design

Linda Tringali

How would you like the interior pages to look?

Once we have organized and copyedited the text of your book, and have selected a printing vendor to make sure that the pages are set up properly, we are ready to design the interior pages.

Interior page design is a collaborative process. We are happy to listen to your ideas and look at your samples. If you don't know what you want, we can offer suggestions.

Click here to view our interior design sample portfolio.

Here are some of the questions we will ask during our collaboration:

• What size book do you want?

• Do you have drawings, charts, and photographs in your book?


Do you have an idea of what you want the interior pages to look like?

Will the interior be black and white or color?

Do you have a font preference?

If you have graphics, do you need help preparing them for publication?

Do you need help finding an illustrator?

Would you like any indexes or lists?

 Would it help if you pointed your readers to another page with a specific cross-reference (e.g., “See Chapter 1, ‘How to Write a Book,’ on p. 14”)? 

Because every printing vendor has different specifications, it’s a good idea to select your printer before the interior pages are designed.

We will send you an interior design sample, representing the different design elements in your manuscript. When you have approved the sample, we will apply those style decisions to the interior of your book.

Click here to see the complete list of our services.